For men and women 30+ who want to get into the best shape of their lives...

New (and Updated) eBook Reveals...

"The Counterintuitive Science Backed-Up System Top Fitness Coaches Use With Clients To Help them lose fat

…regardless of age, sex, current weight, or how many diets you’ve tried in the past.
And best of all... without food restrictions, cravings, or even feeling like dieting at all"


What is Fat Loss On Demand 2.0?
I lost 27 pounds. I went from 181 pounds to 153 pounds in 4 months total.

this is the only system that allowed me to go from 181 pounds (81kg) to 153 pounds (70kg) IN WEEKS... 

and never gain that weight back

Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 is a simple system that uses the building block of all diets top fitness coaches use with clients to consistently help them lose fat.

The Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 system is a counterintuitive approach

that helps you target fat loss (not just weight loss) AND know how to keep it off without having to eliminate carbs or your favorite food, starve yourself, or feel like dieting at all.

There's no need to:

❌ radically cut out calories, carbs, or fats

❌ do hours of cardio (if any) or spend hours at the gym

❌ avoid your favorite food - let alone, eat plain boring meals

❌ starve yourself

❌ even count calories...

When you know and use the building block of all diets and the science of fat loss in the ebook, it gives you everything you need for your next diet so you can lose fat and keep it off.

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This system has been used by people on

Muscle Insider - Healthline - Bodybuilding

Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 is a shortcut to unpredictable weight fat loss

Before finding out about The Fat Loss On Demand system, I was facing the same problem over and over again... it didn't matter what diet I choose, I would not lose weight, I'd lose very little, or I'd gain all my weight back (and then some).

And when I was able to lose weight, I never knew what to do when I got stuck and stop losing fat... which would lead me to a constant vicious cycle.

Out of the desperation of not knowing what to do to keep losing weight, I would try everything - lowering calories, keto, intermittent fasting, clean eating - only to be disappointed and desperate as I saw the scale wasn't moving (ironically, in some cases the scale actually moved up).

That's what led me to find a better way

So after trying every diet out there and researching the science of fat loss (not the pseudoscience we hear on social media) for over a decade, I finally discovered the building block that makes every diet either succeed or fail.

It doesn't matter:

❌ how old you are

❌ whether you're male or female

❌ ...or how many times you've tried to lose weight.

Since this system is based on what science shows to be the building block of all diets, now you can make your next diet the last one you'll need to lose those pounds and never gain them back... all without having to avoid or eliminate your favorite food, starve yourself, or even feeling like dieting at all.

Here's how it works:

Old way vs. New way of losing fat for good
Old way vs. New way of losing fat for good

When you follow this simple system (based on the science of fat loss), you'll be able to know how to lose fat... pretty much on demand.

You no longer have to guess what diet you should follow or why you stop making progress (even when you're on low calories and not eating certain foods).

There's an answer for all of that.

And that answer is the building block of all diets - and you can find all about it and how to use it inside this ebook.


I lost more than 30 pounds total. Now, I weight 147.2 pounds at 11.9% body fat.


weighT 147. 2 POUNDS (66KG) AT 11.9% BODY FAT





Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 ebook
Fat Loss On Demand ebook

This 215-page book shows you the science of fat loss to lose fat and keep it off.

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Fat Loss On Demand Members Area
Fat Loss On Demand Members Area

Exclusive members area access to all the content.

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5 bonuses included today

Fat Loss On Demand Online Calculator
[NEW] Fat Loss On Demand Online Calculator

Get to know where you should start your fat loss diet by knowing how much you need to eat.

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Fat Loss Myths Debunker
Fat Loss Myths Debunker

Know all the science to the common myths so you no longer fall for any of them.

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The Ultimate Diet Planner Cheatsheet
The Ultimate Diet Planner Cheatsheet

[PRINTABLE] This 2-page PDF lets you know exactly how much you need to eat to start losing fat.

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The Fat Loss On Demand Community
Fat Loss On Demand Community

Virtually hang out and meet with people on the same journey as you. Plus, get tips not being shared elsewhere.

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Cooking My Way To Shred Guide
Cooking My Way To Shred Guide

Get to eat the food you enjoy by making your favorite recipes.

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"Why isn't my scale moving...
even when I'm on a very low-calorie diet?"

I kept questioning myself as I stepped off the scale.

It was the fifth day in a row that I was seeing 181 pounds again and again.

Same clothing, same hour… even the exact same routine.

I was clueless…

I didn’t know what to do

I thought this time it was going to be different…

I mean, I was following this diet of this fitness coach that he swore by. And with the hundreds of testimonials he had of people saying how they tried it and how they got results so effortlessly… I thought:

“why cannot I be next?”

So after I followed his “magical diet” to lose fat, I felt amazing at first.

But 3 weeks in, progress started to stop.

That little progress I was seeing in the mirror with my arms and belly was gone.

This made me wonder (again) if I was doing something wrong, if it was the diet, or what else could be the problem.

Because at that point, I didn’t know what diet or protocol to follow

So far, I had tried everything we hear online:

  • counting calories
  • the ketogenic diet (and other low-carb diets)
  • clean eating
  • Intermittent Fasting
  • carb cycling
  • low-fat diets
  • the flexible diet
  • insert whatever (fad) diet you’ve heard about here
  • … I even blamed my hormones (like insulin or cortisol) and my gut for not letting me lose fat

I knew this general idea of “eat less and move more”, but I was going so low on calories that only made me feel hungry all the time.

And even then, I wasn’t seeing any changes.

I’ve tried every single diet out there every fitness guru or coach (both online and offline) claimed it was “the only diet” that was going to make me lose fat, yet…

all of them got me where I started (while some even ended up adding more weight from where I started).

Maybe all of this was a way of showing me I would never get the body I want.

As a regular guy without gifted genes, I thought that getting my desired physique was going to be something simple and easy with all these fat loss experts and all these diets or supplements.

In the end, all the results I got were useless…

Because after every attempt at dieting, I ended up looking the same in the mirror and the scale would just stop moving.

Even when I was trying this “different approach” to fat loss, the outcome was exactly the same.

…This only made me look for new diets, one after another.

But that’s just the recipe for disaster

“Losing weight and keeping it off shouldn’t be that hard”, I thought to myself.

I mean, losing fat should be something everyone can get and it should be a straightforward process... 

It shouldn’t be a result of doing some “miracle diet” that either asks you to stop going out with friends as you can’t eat your favorite food, that has these crazy requirements that make me crave food… or that they say that as I should eat less and starving myself is the price I have to pay.

Maybe that was the reason that losing fat seemed to be working for everyone else, but not for me

But after my last failed diet, I didn’t want to spend time looking for another (fad) diet…

And I didn’t want to go out and find a coach and spend hundreds of dollars to probably end up in the exact same situation anyway.

This is where I had to make a choice:

Option 1

I could eat my words and hire another coach, or go online and look for another fitness guru who claims he discovered this “magical diet” and has some type of 12-week program...

that will make me change my physique for good, and it was so easy that everyone who tried it sees results - and only hope this time it will be different

Option 2

Give up and just “get back to normal”,… eating what I was eating before and crossing my fingers that I don’t gain more weight from what I had before - all while thinking that I can’t simply lose weight and it’s really hard.

…or I could make the choice I did.

I could actually ignore what every fitness influencer from Instagram and other social media tells me, all the fad diets I’ve tried out and heard of (and the new ones that appear every day),...

and do my own research and find out what really makes fat loss happen.

I could find how fat loss works at a cellular level…

and how to find a system that regardless of their age, sex, how much weight they want to lose, or how many diets they have tried…

everyone who follows it knows what to do every moment to keep progressing while losing fat.

An option that doesn’t tell me that I should eat 5 or 6 times per day, stop eating the food I enjoy, spend hours doing cardio, or that “the magical diet” was either keto, Intermittent Fasting, flexible dieting or any fad diet out


An option that let me discover how to lose fat... on demand


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I didn’t know if this was possible or if such a thing would ever exist, but it was my only option.

What did I have to lose at that point?...

So all excited, I went on and started googling everything I needed around fat loss, but I quickly got frustrated.


Because what I found was more and more fad diets, with more and more “fitness experts” on social media and magazines going with crazy claims and diets like:

“Lose 40 pounds in 4 weeks without cardio or dieting”

“Lose 1 pound per day while eating junk food”

“How I lost 60 pounds in 2 months by doing this weird trick”...

Fitness gurus making outlandish claims

And it got as weird as…

“Discover how this 100-year-old Amazonian fruit only native people used to never be over 165 pounds can be the answer to losing 30 or 50 pounds per month… without having to fear gaining the weight back”

This got me worried as well as disappointed.

And this is where I made it my mission to find out the truth.

The truth on what’s the actual science of fat loss and how to lose fat for good.

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So I went on by myself and devoured every book, video, and training on trying to understand how the body works with every topic that helped me with this…

  • Biology
  • Physiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Genetics
  • ...even Psychology

It wasn’t easy as there were a lot of contradictions from everyone in the industry (I mean, that’s what got me in this search in the first place), but I kept looking for an answer.

And while I found some basics around the science of fat loss,...

it wasn’t all clear.

But with time,...

I started to understand why some people saw a diet like intermittent fasting as the only way to lose fat and keep it off while others couldn’t even tolerate 8 hours without eating and how the hunger made them binge eat.

Or why no matter how hard I tried to stop eating my favorite food, the cravings made things just worse as I couldn’t stop thinking about that food I wasn’t supposed to eat…

This was more obvious when I had to sacrifice my social life and go out with friends and ask for salads instead of a burger, ice cream, or whatever I wanted…

just like everyone else.

I got to the point where I learned how to read research papers and get into the evidence-based approach to fat loss.

And in the end, I got a clear answer

I didn’t think it was possible at first, but after all that research… I realized there was something that either makes a diet successful or not.

That there’s a building block to all diets

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It can be keto, Intermittent Fasting, clean eating, flexible dieting, or the moon diet (yes, there’s one). 

If you didn’t have this basic yet crucial component called the building block of all diets in any of them, the diet wouldn’t just work.

But above all…

I discovered there’s a simple system based on the science of fat loss that once you use it for your own situation and goals, it makes fat loss not only possible but consistent…

and I’d even say predictable

But even when this system was evidence-based, it was time to test it.

So I went on and put everything together for me to try it… going through a diet one more time.

Hopefully, one last time to lose that weight for good.

It wasn’t clear at first, and while there was nothing “magical” or “secret” about this (although it felt like it) it took me some time to know and figure out all the steps needed.

But for the first time, it felt like having a clear roadmap.

I knew exactly what to do in every step of my fat loss journey.

If I was stuck and stopped losing fat for a couple of days, I would simply use the “rollercoaster” technique to get back on track.

Or why no matter how low on calories I was and how much exercise and cardio I was doing in the past, I couldn’t simply lose weight and make the scale move.

What’s more…

I didn’t have to starve myself at any point during the diet.

For the first time, I didn’t do hours of cardio per week (in fact, I didn’t even need to do cardio at all).

I was able to enjoy hanging out with friends and family, eating a burger or whatever and whenever I wanted… 

all while still losing fat.

And the results? 

Well, after 4 months (total)… all that anxiety of not seeing the scale moving down and not making my progress was completely gone:

I lost 27 ponds total.

this is the only system that allowed me to go from 181 pounds (81kg) to 153 pounds (70kg) - and I haven’t gained any weight back since then.

UPDATE: Nov 28th, 2022

I lost more than 30 pounds total. Now, I weight 147.2 pounds at 11.9% body fat.



(BTW, the reason you don’t see a before/after photo of myself is simple… losing fat is a simple system based on science, not based on how shredded someone looks - following someone based on how he or she looks is what got me into going diet after diet in the first place).

This showed me how simple it is to lose fat once you have a clear system that tells you exactly what to do, not based on fad diets or miracle supplements…

but based on science

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The true beauty is…

I also saw results in other areas beyond just seeing how my weight drop off for good and how my body was changing:

  • Friends, family… even complete strangers were looking at me differently, paying me more attention. They were respecting me.
  • I became much more confident because of the way I looked and thought about myself (going to the beach became something fun rather than a shame).
  • It allowed me to stop being a slave of food or the scale and enjoy life with friends and family... without sacrificing my fitness goals.

…I can say it really transformed me into a better version of myself in both mind and body.

But while I was happy with my results and thought that everyone who gets the same results knew the same, that wasn’t the case at all.

I came back to a forum in which I did a lot of research that got me to find the science of fat loss and assembled it into this system…

and I was disappointed

I knew the information was already out there, yet people didn’t seem to know what I discovered as the building block of all diets.

If anything, I saw people giving either the same answers that claimed certain diets were “the only diet” or even worse…

saying that they should go with these crazy approaches with things like:

More outlandish claims in fat loss

I asked myself…

“But all the information is already out there. How is it that people still have the same questions and don’t seem to know this?”

So as I kept finding people struggling to lose weight and looking for the same answers, I knew I had to do something.

I wasn’t sure at first what (or if others would find my advice helpful).

I thought people will find this obvious and know this info (maybe not laid out in the system I figured out), but that this was common sense.

Still, I started replying to the questions people had on another forum.

And to my surprise, people started liking the responses.

Some of the answers I gave in the forum to people.

In fact, things got “out of control” - sort of speak

People all over the internet of different ages and different situations regarding their bodies, and with all types of crazy diets were asking me similar questions, all about fat loss.

People who have tried keto, IF, counting calories, some even going as low as 40kcal a day… all of them actually started looking for my responses.

People started to ask me to help them with their fat loss questions.
Don't eat 40 calories a day.

And sure enough, my responses got enough traction and attention from people that others even wanted to share my responses with more people in other groups and spaces.

My responses got shared by people.

So this made a lot more people see my responses, which made some start asking me even more questions and get more views every day.

They got viewed by a couple thousand people.

Sure, I don’t consider they went “viral” or something like that, yet…

This really made me think about doing something

People in these forums and social media in general were pushing their diets, using biased science to show how their approach was “the only way” to lose fat, yet…


their advice was making people feel lost… not knowing what to do when things didn’t go as planned when following their approach.

And that’s where I wanted to help others…

Because at that point, I was spending 3-4 hours a day answering all the questions inside the forum, and all of them were pretty much the same questions… 

This just showed me that these questions came from the (mis)information these fitness coaches and “gurus” were giving.

So after all my months researching the science of fat loss using evidence-based and not fad diets (plus, all the feedback I was getting from people inside the forum), it got me into putting what I find out to be the building block of all diets…

And after what I found, I decided to create and give everything any man or woman needs to lose fat into what I call the “Fat Loss On Demand” system.

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The reason for this name is simple.

Fat Loss On Demand is an evidence-based approach to dieting that works (regardless of the actual diet you choose) and explains step-by-step how the fat loss journey works and what you need to do at each step.

This made my fat loss journey (and from what I think those I was helping inside the forum) something reliable and predictable, not something magical that comes from doing X or Y diet.

This let me see losing weight as something that I can control and that I can change the way my body looks (and feels), for good.

And now, you can have the same power and control over your own body

No more guessing or going diet after diet…

Just use the building block of all diets and your next diet can be the last one you’ll need to lose those pounds… without food restrictions, cravings, or feeling like dieting at all.

Once you know this simple concept (you might feel resistance as you probably have heard the concept before - but not the mechanism behind it, let alone laid out in a system like this)...

It’s like turning your body into this machine that knows exactly what to do to lose weight, and when you stop making progress you just tweak things accordingly rather than starting all over again or not knowing what to do at all.

Because as good as it sounds,...

you don’t need to eliminate the ice cream, the pizza, or the food you eat out when hanging out with friends and family to do this.

This is science…

The science of fat loss

As such, it helps to know what works best right now and how the building block of any diet is all you need to lose that belly, trim those arms, and look fit.

And now, I want to share with you what it took me a decade to learn, not from my trial and error, but from what science shows us is the only way to lose fat.

So let me ask you…

If you could put an end to the constant cycle of dieting, to the constant despair of not knowing what’s wrong with your diet and why none of the things you’ve tried so far haven’t worked for you…

how would your life change?

Well, you don’t have to only imagine how much better friends will treat you, how much your co-workers will respect you and how people will start seeing you different…

just as you don’t have to imagine what it feels like to have the confidence to wear any clothes you want… and not worry about what others will think or say about you (if anything, they will be jealous).

Unless you are expecting to find something incredibly magical or a secret supplement or food, then I can’t help you.

But if you’re ready to break through the noise and make the changes in your body and your life you’ve been wanting to make for so long… 

then this is for you.

Because I put together all the learnings science tells us about the building block of fat loss after my decade in the industry while helping others…

all inside this new book “Fat Loss On Demand 2.0”.

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Here are some of the things you’re going to uncover inside this ebook:

  • When you should not lose weight…

    especially if you have some pounds to lose and have some belly or lovely handles (and what you should do instead) - page 127

  • Why you will never lose weight (even if you’re on a low-calorie diet) unless you do this simple tweak in your diet - page 20

  • How ignoring the“DWF” concept

    adds anxiety of seeing the scale not moving (or moving so drastically)... no matter how much you moved or exercised the day before - page 102

  • Are you really on a low-calorie diet? Answer this “assessment” question to find out whether you’re on track or you need to adjust your diet.

  • Why you haven't been able to maintain your weight…

    regardless of how many times you’ve tried? - page 30

  • The 3 situations you should stop your diet right away as you may not make any extra progress - and what to do instead - page 121

  • The worst time to weigh yourself during the day

    - page 101

  • The building block of any diet… and why is the only way to lose fat (It doesn’t matter if it’s keto, intermittent fasting, paleo, carnivore, clean eating - you name it) - page 28

  • Why hormones are important...

    yet not as essential to focus on as most fitness experts claim to be - page 41

  • Why worrying about the exact calories you should eat and how many calories certain food has is worthless when you know this - page 138

  • Why do some people gain weight by eating 1,500kcal or less while others seem to eat more and lose weight?

    Science can answer that - page 21

  • Keto, intermittent fasting, or what other approach should you choose that helps you lose more weight (rather than make you binge eat or starve yourself) - Discover it inside page 54

  • The “rollercoaster” technique...

    to adjust your diet whenever you eat more than what you’re supposed to on a given day - page 144

  • Why having the “I’ll burn the extra calories tomorrow” mindset is worst than not burning anything at all… and how you should approach dieting - page 75

  • All I have to do is to lower my calories to lose weight, right?

    Not really. When you know the building block of any diet, you know what options you have and the only condition to make it work - page 76

  • Burning fat vs. Losing fat? Find out which one are you really doing and which one should you focus on if you want to get the physique you want without having to go through another diet - page 22

  • Plus, how toothpaste can help you stick to what you should eat while making you avoid binge eating… page 60

Look, I know how great that feeling is of finally gaining control back over your body…

and getting to a point where you can lose all the weight you want, knowing it will be the last time you’ll need to diet to do so.

You’d be able to see how crazy the myths and the contradictions flow around in the fitness industry, which has caused you to feel confused and unsure of what you should do.

Starting today, all of that can be gone

Because right now, it’s your turn to claim that control back and say “enough” to fad diets, pseudoscience, and miracle supplements (and anything in between).

The best part is…

you don’t have to change the way you eat overnight, cut calories by half or do a crazy routine to get your desired physique.

As I’ve said before,...

Science gives you what works best and what’s the building block of all diets to lose weight - no need to starve yourself all day, avoid social events or say bye-bye to your favorite foods.

Yes, this requires some work and you won’t see results if you don’t put anything from what’s inside this ebook into practice, but…

I’ve laid out everything you need to know about dieting and how to take that information

so that you can start losing weight as soon as you finish the book (maybe even before you finish it).

Because above all, I want to give you this at something that’s such a small investment…

an investment in yourself, an investment to get the body you want - all so that you stop going diet after diet.

You should not spend another $40 or $70 (or more) on supplements and hope it helps you move the scale down, or keep searching for the answer on the internet when you get stuck… 

because there are not any miracle diets or supplements.

The only thing they are doing to you is going through the endless roller coaster of dieting and not knowing what to do.

And that’s why I wanted to give you something that it’s concise (no need to add fluff like the history of fat loss, how and why society has become fatter since the 80s… or endless research about specific diets - none of that will get you results).

This 215-page book has the principles and the building block of fat loss…

All based on the actual science of fat loss

For that, I wanted to give you this book at an investment of no less than $75… and I still think that investing that amount for making the last diet you make the last one you’ll need is still more than worth it.

But even when I would have paid this to avoid the constant struggle of thinking about what can I do next when I was stuck at losing fat…

I know what it means to not know and feel like you’ve tried it all and that it doesn’t work.

That’s why I want to let you take this book at a fraction of the actual investment and make it as accessible as possible.

So because you’ve reached this point and are willing to open your mind (regardless of what you’ve tried before, the times you’ve tried it, and even when you think you’ve tried everything and didn’t work)...

you’re not going to get this book for $79.

But you’re not going to pay $380… or even $79.

For the next few days (I don’t know how long that is), you can get the “Fat Loss On Demand 2.0” ebook for a single payment of $̶7̶9 27 

Save $52 (66% OFF)

All you have to do is click the orange button below to get access to the ebook right away.

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Now, I get it…

At this point, you might be wondering whether this is really what’s going to give you the results you want and if you’ll actually be able to use the science of fat loss in the best possible way.

And that feeling shouldn’t get in the way of you getting the body you want.

That's why I'm giving you what I consider...

The BEST money-back guarantee you will find?... 

90-day money back guarantee

That’s why I want not only to give you access to all the content in the book and what comes with it,...

but I want you to read it, use it and see the results for yourself - no need to guess… all for the next 90 days.

That means if in 90 days you finish the book, use it and do everything as guided and even ask for guidance, yet... you didn't made that diet the last diet you needed to lose fat and keep it off - I will give you every single penny back from the investment.

You would just have to email me at support(at) with the subject line “Fat Loss on Demand - refund” and I’d take care of you. 

But my goal is not to give you false expectations or make you think there’s something out there you are still missing to lose those pounds you want for good.

If anything, I want to do the opposite.

I want you to realize how this system allows the person who uses it to lose fat on demand… all based on science, of course.

And that’s why I’m also going to give you these 5 Bonuses included when you Get your digital copy of “Fat Loss On Demand”:

Fat Loss Myths Debunker
Fat Loss Myths Debunker

There are 2 things that will slow down your fat loss progress:

1) Not doing anything

2) Doing the wrong thing again and again

With this guide, you’ll have a clear idea of the science of fat loss… in that way, no matter what claims you hear online or what happens when you stop losing weight, you’ll be confident enough to immediately tell whether a claim it’s true or simply pseudoscience dressed up as factual science.

The Ultimate Diet Planner Cheatsheet [PRINTABLE]
Ultimate Fitness Diet Planner Cheatsheet

Once you know the science of fat loss and the building block of diets, you need to then know how to put those pieces together.

That’s why I’m giving you this 2-page Cheatsheet.

You can print it out and calculate exactly how much you should eat - based on your current situation and goals.

This means you can always get back to it and reuse it and tweak it whenever you have new goals in mind and want to have all the information you need to start losing weight handy.

Cooking My Way To Shred Guide
Cooking My Way To Shred

If you don’t know what to cook or what to eat when dieting and feel you cannot eat what you are already eating, then here are 10 recipes you can try out… for which you only need the same 5 ingredients.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re vegan, have personal preferences or you are not a big fan of desserts. This is why I’ve included additional recipes that are high in protein… and will make you feel full with standard portion sizes.

But you’re not always cooking, right?

Maybe you are going out with your friends on a Friday night, or maybe you just wanted to eat something out.

Well, to completely eliminate the constant thinking of whether what you eat or not is going to screw up your progress… or if there’s something you can find there, I’ve added an extra section in which I show you exactly how to deal with food when eating out (no need to restrict yourself - in the way you think, of course - or know where you’re eating in advance).

Fat Loss On Demand Community

The Fat Loss On Demand Community

There's strong research that shows that having a community helps you not only have shared goals with others, but it can also increase the motivation to get towards that same goal - and actually get it.

This is why you can (virtually) hang out and meet with people on the same journey as you. You get the support of others while seeing how each one progress.

Plus, you'll get some tips that I don't share anywhere else and be able to engage in a conversation with everyone.

[NEW] Fat Loss On Demand Online Calculator
Fat Loss On Demand Online Calculator

The first step to making your next diet the last one you'll need is to know how much you need to eat.

That's why I've developed an online calculator you can just plug in your details and immediately see the results.

You won't get results just by using this, of course.

But when using what's inside "Fat Loss On Demand 2.0" and the other Bonuses, you can make sure you have the right information to put you on the right track.

So if you were to add all of this up, you get…

  • The Fat Loss on Demand ebook
  • The Fat Loss on Demand Members Area
    (Already included)
  • [NEW] Fat Loss On Demand Online Calculator
  • Fat Loss Myth Debunkers
  • The Ultimate Diet Planner Cheatsheet
  • Fat Loss On Demand Community
  • Cooking My Way to Shred

And as I said, giving you the information that allows you to take control back of your weight and your own body is worthless (you may agree with me on that), but…

Instead of asking you for the initial $380 I was planning for the ebook + the value of each Bonus, I’m going to rather give you all of it for the small investment of the ebook alone.

So you’re going to be getting these for a one-time small investment of $̶7̶9 27.

And here’s something to consider…

You’ll use that 27 USD in one way or another, 

so why not use it in something that gives you everything you need to make the next diet you make the last one you’ll need?…

Invest the small amount of 27 USD in yourself and in the body you want, and all you have to do to get there is to click the button below.

Once you click it, you’ll get directed to a checkout page where you can choose your payment method and finish the order.

In the end, you’ll get access to a members area where you’ll see the ebook for you to download as well as all the other Bonuses included.

Plus, you have 90 days to put all the information you have in the ebook (along with the Bonuses) into practice and see the results, and in case you don’t feel like it was what you were expecting, ask for your money back.

Just click the orange button below so you can stop the constant stress of now knowing what else to do to continue losing fat once and for all… and finally get the physique you’ve been looking to get for so long.

Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 Bundle

Only for $79 27

Save $52 (66% OFF)

Download the ebook + 5 Bonuses for just 27

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It’s easy to underestimate how much a single decision can change our lives for the better.

If you’d have told me a decade ago that I’d go from someone who didn’t have confidence in himself and couldn’t lose weight (regardless of what I did) while only going diet after diet and not knowing the reason I stopped losing fat - and how to break past that...

to now losing fat on demand while still eating the food I enjoy, not starving myself and having a social life, I’d have told you it’s unreal.

But now, it’s your time to decide…

Imagine that after finally unlocking the science of fat loss, understanding what’s the building block of all diets and how you can always lose weight when you have this clear (and how to tweak your diet accordingly when you stop)... 

Is a matter of time for you to not say to yourself in front of the mirror:

“I like what I’m seeing! 

Now I’m seeing how everything that I went through finally paid off.”

Because that’s what can happen starting today…

only if you make the right choice and invest in yourself.

And that’s why right now, you have to choose between these 3 options (just like I had when I changed my life):

  • Keep going diet after diet while hoping you’ll find something that allows you to lose all the fat you want for good… and maybe this time, you don’t gain any of that weight back.
  • Think there’s something magical rather out there outside of the science of fat loss - always going with the mindset of “I’ve tried it out before and it didn’t work”... or looking for a diet that helps you lose as much fat as fast as possible.
  • Or…

You can open up your mind to finally discover the building block of every diet and how it's everything you need to know to make the next diet you make the last one you’ll need…

all while you gain control back of your body, your confidence, and your life.

I chose my path when I had to choose… and the results are clear and well worth my decision.

I’m sure if I’d have chosen one of the other options, I would still be struggling with my weight, thinking that lowering my calories is always the answer while not eating any junk food (and probably starving myself)... but that’s not the case.

Now, what about you?

Will you wait another day, week, or even months to claim the power of your body back - and let time pass and you stay in the same situation you’ve been for months (maybe years)…

Will you think this won’t work for you without even trying it out and keep looking for “the diet” that lets you lose weight fast and keep it off…

Or will you finally make the next diet you follow the last one you’ll need to lose all the fat you want…

You can go from a:

“Why isn’t my scale moving even when I’m so low on calories?... 

Should I reduce my calories even more? What should I do?”

(just like I was when I started) to now being in the best physique you’ve been in your life…

To wake up, go to the bathroom, and while looking at yourself in the mirror be happy that you went on and decided to say “enough” to all the pseudoscience out there.

To realize that all it took was to know the building block of all diets - and how by knowing the science of fat loss, you now have a power within your body you’ve been taken back years ago.

To finally make the scale moving down...

not having to deal with the anxiety of going out and not knowing what to eat (and if it’s going to screw up your progress), while also eating all the food you enjoy… without having to starve yourself or fall into binge eating.

You'll have to put in the work of course, but you now have a roadmap that shows you what to do when.

The decision is yours, and you have to do it right now.

And don’t worry, you are backed by the unconditional 90-day Money-back guarantee when you take action today… 

Because even when the one-time payment you have to make to get the Fat Loss On Demand ebook + the 5 Bonuses is unreal, I did this so that now you can get the results.

That’s why all you have to do to get there and make sure your next diet is the last one you’ll need to lose fat is to click the orange button below:

Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 Bundle

Only for $79 27

Save $52 (66% OFF)

Download the ebook + 5 Bonuses for just 27

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Right now it’s the time when the old version of yourself gets to an end…

and a new, better (and fitter) version of yourself comes to life

It’s time to learn the science of fat loss that cuts through all the myths and all the noise while letting you focus on yourself and changing your body for good…

It’s time…

to finally get the body you’ve been fighting to get for so long.

When I started, all I wanted to know was the fundamentals of how to lose fat without gaining it back…

Without having to stress about dieting and rather know exactly what to do whenever you stop losing weight…

And without having to ever go on a diet again to lose the same weight over and over again.

I was looking for a manual on how to make this process simple.

And now…

You have what I consider the only (and last) manual you need to know how to get the body you want.

Get it. Read it. Use it. 

But above all…

Change the way you see diets forever and go from where you’re at right now to that body you have wanted to get so you don’t feel like people will judge you whenever they see your body…

all while completely ignoring the nonsense you hear in the fitness space

Are you ready to change your body for good?

Because if you are, I can’t wait to see you on the other side.

Click the button below right now so you can now make this your reality.

Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 Bundle

Only for $79 27

Save $52 (66% OFF)

Download the ebook + 5 Bonuses for just 27

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I'm looking forward to meeting you and seeing you inside the group in which we can meet each other.

For your dream body (for good),

"The Fitness Underground"

CH Certified Nutritional Coach / Certified Personal Trainer / Dog lover

P.S. Remember, the Fat Loss On Demand comes with The BEST 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Download it, read it, implement it... and get results. 

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know in 90 days and we’ll refund you your 27 USD.

HERE's some of the things you'll discover inside fat loss on demand

  • When you should not lose weight…

    especially if you have some pounds to lose and have some belly or lovely handles (and what you should do instead) - page 127

  • Why you will never lose weight (even if you’re on a low-calorie diet) unless you do this simple tweak in your diet - page 20

  • How ignoring the“DWF” concept

    adds anxiety of seeing the scale not moving (or moving so drastically)... no matter how much you moved or exercised the day before - page 102

  • Are you really doing what's needed to lose fat? Answer this “assessment” question to find out whether you’re on track or you need to adjust your diet - page 32

  • Do you know why our bodies hate to lose weight?

    See why this simple evolutionary concept is like going uphill when doing a diet that’s not for you - page 17

  • The reason why cutting carbs, fats, or burning more calories is meaningless when it comes to fat loss… and how to keep losing fat - page 23

  • How “the car engine” technique

    can help you tweak your diet so you keep losing weight rather than throwing it all out and saying “this doesn’t work” - page 107

  • The 3 situations you should stop your diet right away as you may not make any extra progress - and what to do instead - page 121

  • Why you haven't been able to maintain your weight…

    regardless of how many times you’ve tried? - page 30

  • The building block of any diet… and why is the only way to lose fat (It doesn’t matter if it’s keto, intermittent fasting, paleo, counting calories, carnivore, clean eating - you name it) - page 28

  • The worst time of the day to weigh yourself

    - page 101

  • Why worrying about the exact calories you should eat and how many calories certain food has is worthless when you know this - page 138

  • Why hormones are important...

    yet not as essential to focus on as most fitness experts claim to be - page 41

  • This tiny and innocent thing you do with your scale can be enough to give you different results by a pound or two - enough to wonder if you’re making any progress - page 102

  • Why do some people gain weight by eating 1,500kcal or less while others seem to eat more and lose weight?

    Science can answer that - page 21

  • What, when, and how to adapt your diet and exercise routine to lose fat and avoid stopping your fat loss phase - page 35

  • The wrong way...

    of weighing yourself and why it can be making your progress go backwards - page 105

  • Keto, intermittent fasting, or what other approach should you choose that helps you lose more weight (rather than make you binge eat or starve yourself) - Discover it inside page 54

  • The “rollercoaster” technique...

    to adjust your diet whenever you eat more than what you’re supposed to on a given day - page 144

  • Why having the “I’ll burn the extra calories tomorrow” mindset is worst than not burning anything at all… and how you should approach dieting - page 75

  • All I have to do is to lower my calories to lose weight, right?

    Not really. When you know the building block of any diet, you know what options you have and the only condition to make it work - page 76

  • Burning fat vs. Losing fat? Find out which one are you really doing and which one should you focus on if you want to get the physique you want without having to go through another diet - page 22

  • Plus, how toothpaste can help you stick to what you should eat while making you avoid binge eating… (HINT: it's not by using it) - page 60

download the fat loss on demand ebook today


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90-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Frequently asked questions

Q: What is Fat Loss On Demand 2.0?

Fat Loss On Demand is a simple system that helps people lose 3-5 pounds at a time without gaining them back... rather than losing 10+ pounds that you will have to lose again because you couldn't keep the weight off.

There's no need to radically cut calories, do hours of cardio (if any) or starve yourself while restricting the food you enjoy.

With the basic understanding of the building block of all diets and the science of fat loss, using this system makes your next diet the last one you need to lose those pounds... for good.

Q: Why I’m getting all of this for only $27?

The answer is simple. Over the years, I have seen how many people go diet after diet without achieving their dreamed body and losing that drive to get it. They read articles and follow what they hear online yet seems like nothing works for them. 

Well, that’s why I want to help those men and women who have been through that, so they don’t have to wonder about looking for more information on how to lose fat and keep it off. Just follow the simple system that’s based on the science of fat loss and there’s no reason for you to not lose fat (for good).

Q: Who is the Fat Loss On Demand book for?

This is for both men and women who want to stop going diet after diet without keeping the results and know that there aren’t quick fixes. Plus, you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite food, feel hungry and think it’s normal, or even feel like dieting at all.

This is for men and women who have failed at multiple fat loss attempts and want to know how to stop that cycle, regardless of their age or how many diets they have tried before.

Q: How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

While most diets out there focus on making you lose fat at whatever expense (usually in the form of food cravings since you can’t eat a certain food, hunger, or just feeling like going through hell), this approach is based on the science of fat loss. In this way, it gives you one thing that those diets will never give you… predictability.

There might not be anything new in here, but by following it through you know exactly how much weight you will be losing each week, how much you have to eat to lose it, and what, when (and how) to tweak your diet so you keep losing fat. This takes the guessing out of the equation and just gives you results based on a system the building block of all diets.

Q: Do you offer more in-depth help?

Yes. You have everything you need to lose fat in the “Fat Loss On Demand” ebook and its Bonuses, but if you want some extra guidance and would even like me to personally coach you there’s an option in which you can add certain upgrades to your order.

Q: How is the book & bonuses going to be delivered?

After you click the button on this page to get your digital copy, you will be asked to fill out your details on the next page. Once you’ve done that, sometimes you will be offered a unique opportunity as a way to welcome you into the family. But if you don’t see it, it just means it’s not available anymore.

Either way, you will then get access to the digital book & bonuses via a member’s area. You will get your login details via email - so make sure to fill it out correctly to avoid any issues.

Q: Is there a guarantee?

Sure, you have a 90-day Money Back Guarantee in the case that you followed through and still didn’t see results. I’ll even let you keep the ebook.

download the fat loss on demand ebook today

Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 ebook
Inside Fat Loss On Demand ebook

Only for $79 27

Save $52 (66% OFF)

Download the ebook + 5 Bonuses for just 27

Delivered instantly.

Start reading right away.

5 bonuses included today

Fat Loss On Demand Online Calculator
[NEW] Fat Loss On Demand Online Calculator

Get to know where you should start your fat loss diet by knowing how much you need to eat.

Instant access

Fat Loss Myths Debunker
Fat Loss Myths Debunker

Know all the science to the common myths so you no longer fall for any of them.

Digital PDF download

Instant access

Fat Loss On Demand eBook
The Ultimate Diet Planner Cheatsheet

[PRINTABLE] This 2-page PDF lets you know exactly how much you need to eat to start losing fat.

Digital PDF download

Instant access

The Fat Loss On Demand Community
Fat Loss On Demand Community

Virtually hang out and meet with people on the same journey as you. Plus, get tips not being shared elsewhere.

Cooking My Way to Shred
Cooking My Way To Shred Guide

Get to eat the food you enjoy by making your favorite recipes... but also what to do when you eat out. (No need to sacrifice your social life to get the body you want).

Digital PDF download

Instant access

I lost 27 pounds total. From 181 pounds to 154 pounds.

this is the only system that allowed me to go from 181 pounds (81kg) to 153 pounds (70kg) and never gain that weight back

UPDATE: Nov 28th, 2022

I lost more than 30 pounds total. Now, I weight 147.2 pounds at 11.9% body fat.


download the fat loss on demand ebook today

Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 Physical book

This is the physical book. You'd get the digital version sent to youR INBOX right away so you can start reading it in the next 2 minutes.

Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 ebook

Only for $79 27

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Download the ebook + 5 Bonuses for just 27

Delivered instantly.

Start reading right away.

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Here's Everything You're Getting
For Only 27USD Today

Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 Bundle


Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 ebook
Fat Loss On Demand ebook

This 215-page book shows you the science of fat loss to lose fat and keep it off.

Digital PDF download

Instant access

Fat Loss On Demand Members Area
Fat Loss On Demand

Members area access to all the content.

Instant access

[NEW] Fat Loss On Demand Online Calculator
Fat Loss On Demand Online Calculator

Get to know where you should start your fat loss diet by knowing how much you need to eat.

Instant access

Fat Loss Myths Debunker
Fat Loss Myths Debunker

Know all the science to the common myths so you no longer fall for any of them.

Digital PDF download

Instant access

The Ultimate Diet Planner Cheatsheet
Ultimate Diet Planner Cheatsheet

[PRINTABLE] This 2-page PDF lets you know exactly how much you need to eat to start losing fat.

Digital PDF download

Instant access

Fat Loss On Demand Community

The Fat Loss On Demand Community

Virtually hang out and meet with people on the same journey as you. Plus, get tips not being shared elsewhere.

Instant access

Cooking My Way To Shred Guide
Cooking My Way To Shred

Get to eat the food you enjoy by making your favorite recipes.

Digital PDF download

Instant access

Read the book directly on your computer, phone or tablet and start implementing right away.

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results."

-Albert Einstein

Einstein Quote

$380 Of Actionable Value!

(Yours For Free When You Get The Fat Loss On Demand eBook)

Fat loss on demand ebook

Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 ebook
Fat Loss On Demand ebook
($75 value)

Get the only system science has proven to help you lose weight and keep it off.

bonus #1

Fat Loss Myths Debunker
Fat Loss Myths Debunker
($99 value)

Know all the science to the common myths so you can no longer fall for any of them.

bonus #3

Cooking My Way To Shred
Cooking My Way To Shred
($35 value)

Get to eat the food you enjoy by making your favorite recipes - and still enjoy when you eat out.

included with your order 

Fat Loss On Demand Members Area
Fat Loss On Demand Member Area ($101 value)

Member's area access to all the content - and future upgrades.

bonus #2 

Ultimate Diet Planner Cheatsheet
The Ultimate Diet Planner Cheatsheet ($21 value)

[PRINTABLE] This 2-page PDF lets you know exactly how much you need to eat to start losing fat.

bonus #4 

The Fat Loss On Demand Community
Fat Loss On Demand Community ($29 value)

Virtually hang out and meet with people on the same journey as you. Plus, get tips not being shared elsewhere.

bonus #5

Fat Loss On Demand Online Calculator
[NEW] Fat Loss On Demand Online Calculator
($21.99 value)

Get to know where you should start your fat loss diet by knowing how much you need to eat.

"Tackling plateaus is what clueless people on the internet do instead of tracking, reviewing, and deciding. Wrestling with plateaus is what people do instead of waiting."

-Martin Berkhan

DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement from Martin Berkhan

Martin Berkhan

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fat Loss On Demand 2.0?

Fat Loss On Demand is a simple system that helps people lose 3-5 pounds at a time without gaining them back... rather than losing 10+ pounds that you will have to lose again because you couldn't keep the weight off.

There's no need to radically cut calories, do hours of cardio (if any) or starve yourself while restricting the food you enjoy. With the basic understanding of the building block of all diets and the science of fat loss, using this system makes your next diet the last one you need to lose those pounds... for good.

What's new in this 2.0 version?

The essence of the Fat Loss On Demand system is the same. There has been some upgrade in the design, but mostly in the content. My goal was from the very beginning to keep this book short and concise, without fluff or information that while useful and necessary, won't add much to what you need to lose fat (for that, you have other material I give for Free once you get the book).

But the upgrades also come with an added bonus that will help you make your next diet the last one you'll need. 

Why I’m getting all of this for only $27?

The answer is simple. Over the years, I have seen how many people go diet after diet without achieving their dreamed body and losing that drive to get it. They read articles and follow what they hear online yet seems like nothing works for them.

Well, that’s why I want to help those men and women who have been through that, so they don’t have to wonder about looking for more information on how to lose fat and keep it off. Just follow the simple system that’s based on the science of fat loss and there’s no reason for you to not lose fat (for good).

Who is the Fat Loss On Demand book for?

This is for both men and women who want to stop going diet after diet without keeping the results and know that there aren’t quick fixes. Plus, you don’t have to say goodbye to your favorite food, feel hungry and think it’s normal, or even feel like dieting at all.

This is for men and women who have failed at multiple fat loss attempts and want to know how to stop that cycle, regardless of their age or how many diets they have tried before.

How is this different than all the other stuff out there?

While most diets out there focus on making you lose fat at whatever expense (usually in the form of food cravings since you can’t eat a certain food, hunger, or just feeling like going through hell), this approach is based on the science of fat loss. In this way, it gives you one thing that those diets will never give you… predictability.

There might not be anything new in here, but by following it through you know exactly how much weight you will be losing each week, how much you have to eat to lose it, and what, when (and how) to tweak your diet so you keep losing fat.

This takes the guessing out of the equation and just gives you results based on a system the building block of all diets.

Do you offer more in-depth help?
Yes. You have everything you need to lose fat in the “Fat Loss On Demand” ebook and its Bonuses, but if you want some extra guidance and would even like me to personally coach you there’s an option in which you can add certain upgrades to your order.
How is the book & bonuses going to be delivered?

After you click the button on this page to get your digital copy, you will be asked to fill out your details on the next page. Once you’ve done that, sometimes you will be offered a unique opportunity as a way to welcome you into the family. But if you don’t see it, it just means it’s not available anymore. Either way, you will then get access to the digital book and Bonuses via a member’s area. You will get your login details via email - so make sure to fill it out correctly to avoid any issues.

Is there a guarantee?
Sure, you have a 90-day Money Back Guarantee in the case that you followed through and still didn’t see results. I’ll even let you keep the ebook.

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Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Review all product warnings prior to use. This website and any of our products or information are not intended to cure any disease. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. Results featured on this website are atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or lose weight with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 90-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back.

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Fat Loss On Demand 2.0 Bundle

Only for $79 27

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